The Feather Tree

Pyrrhura Conure - "Dominant Red" Green-Cheeked Conures






 African Greys

 Vasa Parrots

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photos of NEW mutation color "Dominant Red"
Green-Cheeked Conures

These birds are NOT hybrids! These are mutation colors-

just like the different colors in poodles.
Green-Cheeked Conure mutation colors visual prediction tables


This photo is of a Dominant Red Pineapple Green-cheeked, showing the moist
feathers around the runny eye condition this mutation color often has for the
first year. This issue goes away after the first year of life.

The bird on the right is a Yellow-sided Dominant Red chick. This photo shows
how it lacks the down feathers that the chick on the left has.

Here they are again as they get older. The Dominant Red is now on the left.

The baby in the center is a Dominant Red baby. Notice how it lacks the down
feathers that the other three chicks have.


Colors and genetics are fun to play with but caution should be taken when playing with the Dominant Red Factor in Green- cheeked Conures.

Most of us want to add a brighter red to our Green-cheeks' coloration. And the Dominant Red seems to be a fun factor for this mutation.
But it also comes with a couple of negatives such as the lack of full down feathers on chicks, bald spots, and runny eyes . This doesn’t happen
in 100% of the babies but it does in many. They seem to grow out of these things visually, but keep the dark red feathers after the first molt.
I’ve been told never to bred two dominate red birds together due to a lethal factor. This does not happen with any of the other Green-cheeked mutations
like two Sun Cheeks or two Moon Cheeks bred together and there are no negative factors known with these pairings.

To possibly enhance my program, for me, generally breeding a Dominant Red to another green cheek will give about 50% dominant red babies
in my experience. Of those produced, 100% seem to be lacking full amounts of natal down. Many seem to have runny eyes by the time they’re
four months old. And a few more seem to have bald spots and/or are lacking feathers in areas of the head. The bald spots as well as the runny eyes
seem to subside by a year of age. I’m taking precautions and am not adding these genetics to my main bloodlines of Green-cheeked Conures.

This year, 2020, I will have bred 35 generations of Green-cheeked conures!
They still lay seven eggs and generally raise five babies just like they did the first year that I raised them.

When breeding Dominant Red Pineapples to a Pineapple, a mix of Dominant Red birds and rather drab Pineapples will result.
This is probably due to the foundation stock from which the Dominant Reds descended. It might take a few generations to breed them back
to more brightly colored birds to enhance the coloring in the regular offspring. Chicks that do not show visually the Dominant Red factor do not carry it.
And these birds also don’t seem to have runny eyes, lack of down, and bald spot issues. For a bird to pass the Dominant Red trait to its offspring,
it must have the visual characteristic; therefore there are no splits for this trait.

one of our newest colors, the Moon Cheek!

Moon Cheeks are now available at $1400.00 per pair

click here to see one of our newest mutation color- the Suncheek!


photos by Steve Garvin
All photographs are protected by copyright and may not be reproduced by any method without written permission from The Feather Tree.

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