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Green-Cheeked Conure mutation colors visual prediction tables

~ Basic Genetics ~
a visual series of tables showing
real expectations of outcomes of pairings of mutation colorations
Our newest color, the Moon Cheek!

Moon Cheeks are now available!

Click this link to see text descriptions and images of the mutation colorations

Please note: MUTATION colors cannot be created by breeding.
These are spontaneous mutations that occur naturally .
Therefore, since Turquoise , Cinnamon, Yellow-Sided, and American Dilute Green-Cheeked Conure colorations are mutation colors
and cannot be created through breeding. Other colorations, such as the Sun-Cheeked, were created through breeding existing mutation colors together.
Table # 1

normal wild-type Green-Cheeked Conure male






normal wild-type Green-Cheeked female

100% Green Cheeks of both genders

Table # 2






Yellow-Sided Conure male.
This mutation has been found in the wild and was first identified in imported birds by Steve Garvin.




female Normal Green-Cheeked




Normal males that carry the sex -inked mutation for
Yellow-Sided... therefore, these males can produce it without the mutation being visual.







female Yellow-Sided-
a sexed-linked mutation that can only be
passed on by the hens
if it is visual.


Please note: MUTATION colors cannot be created by breeding. These are spontaneous mutations that occur naturally .
Therefore, since Turquoise , Cinnamon, Yellow-Sided, and American Dilute Green-Cheeked Conurecolorations are mutation colors
and cannot be created through breeding. Other colorations, such as the Sun-Cheeked, were created through breeding existing mutation colors together.
Table # 3






 Cinnamon male, a sexed-linked mutation




Normal female

Visual normal males that can produce Cinnamons


Visual Cinnamon females

Table # 4








male Cinnamon bred to a female Cinnamon ;
parents of this pair are both Cinnamons








female Cinnamon







male Cinnamons










female Cinnamons

Table # 5

Male Yellow-Sided
(parents are a Yellow-Sided male
bred to a Cinnamon female)






female Cinnamon






males split to Cinnamon and Yellow-Sided





Yellow -Sided
that are not split (can only produce Yellow-Sided)

The progeny from the cross shown above can prduce the color variations as shown below:

Table # 6

visual normal male, (parents are Cinnamon and Yellow-Sided) - can produce the babies shown below-
if bred to a Yellow-Sided female as shown at right






visual female Yellow-Sided (she cannot be split to Cinnamon as this charcteristic is sex-linked)






male Yellow-Sided

visual male Normals, split to Yellow-Sided and Cinnamon or Yellow-Sided only or
Cinnamon only

female Yellow-Sided-
cannot be split to Cinnamon

female Pineapples

female Cinnamons

Table # 7







sex-linked visual Normal male split to
Cinnamon and Yellow -Sided
(his parents were a visual Cinnamon and a Yellow -Sided)








female Pineapple
(she is a visual Cinnamon -Yellow- Sided,
both in same bird)

Pineapple males
(visual Yellow-Sided and Cinnamon)

Normal males split
to Cinnamon
and Yellow-Sided

Cinnamon males split to Yellow-Sided

Yellow-Sided males split
to Cinnamon

Normal females
(not split to anything)

Yellow-Sided females

Cinnamon females

Pineapples females (a visual combination of Yellow-Sided and Cinnamon)

Turquoise Green-Cheeked Conure recessive inheritance
Please note: MUTATION colors cannot be created by breeding.
These are spontaneous mutations that occur naturally .
Therefore, since Turquoise , Cinnamon, Yellow-Sided, and American Dilute Green-Cheeked Conurecolorations are mutation colors
and cannot be created through breeding.

Table # 8


Male Turquoise bred to a female Turquoise
will produce 100% Turquoise babies




female Turquoise (she is ressecive)

all babies of both genders will be 100% Turquoise


American Dilute recessive inheritance

Table # 9


Male American Dilute
(American Dilutes are reccessive in inheritance.)

female American Dilute

100% American Dilutes of both genders

Table # 10

Turquoise (male or female)
bred to an American Dilute (male or female)

visual Normals of both genders that will be split to Turquoise and American Dilute

Table # 11







visual Normal of either gender split to American Dilute and Turquoise can produce as shown below:


Normals of both genders split to American Dilute or Turquoise or both.
Or not split at all !
Normal females split to American Dilute or Turquoise or split to both.
Or not split at all!

Turqouise females split to
American Dilute or Turquoise
females that are not split
American Dilutes of both genders


Mints of both genders
The Mint is a visual recessive
Turquoise - American Dilute.

Characteristics include a platnium-colored tail, dark beak, and dark feet.

Mints of both genders
The Mint is a visual recessive
Turquoise - American Dilute.

Characteristics include a platnium-colored tail, dark beak, and dark feet.

Sex-linked and Recessive MIXED Inheritance

Table # 12





male sex-linked Pineapple

(which is a visual Cinnamon - Yellow-Sided )





female Turquoise (which is recessive in inheritance)







visual Normal males split to Pineapple and Turquoise

visual Pineapple females
split to Turquoise





The birds produced from the table above can produce as shown in the table below: Mixed Sex-linked and Recessive Inheritance

Table # 13


male visual Normal split Pineapple (sex-linked )
and Turquoise ( recessive)
(produced from a pairing as shown in Table # 12)





visual Pineapple female split Turquoise
(recessive inheritance)
(produced from a pairing as shown in Table # 12)

Pineapple males -sex-linked
(visual Yellow-Sided - Cinnamon)


Pineapple males and females
(possibly split to Turquoise)

 Cinnamon males (can be split to
Yellow-Sided and/or to Turquoise)

Yellow-Sided males
(can be split to Turquoise or Cinnamon)

 Turquoise males
visual Normal males
(can be split to Turquoise
or Pineapple or both)

 Turquoise females

visual Normal females
(can be split to Turquoise )

(which is a visual Turquoise- Cinnamon-Yellow -Sided.
Females only can be produced.)

 Cinnamon females
(can be split to Turquoise)

female Yellow -Sided females
(can be split to Turquoise)

Table # 14





 visual Normal male split to Pineapple (sex -linked)
and American Dilute (recessive)
Parents as shown in Table # 13.





visual Pineapple female
(sex-linked) split to American Dilute (recessive)

Yellow-Sided - American Dilutes
both genders

Yellow-Sided males
(can be split to Cinnamon
and/or to American Dilute)

Cinnamon males split to Yellow-Sided
(can be split to American Dilute)

visual Normal males split to
American Dilute

Normal males split to Pineapple
and/or to American Dilute

Cinnamon American Dilute males
(can be split to Yellow-Sided)

SUNCHEEKS of either gender
A Suncheek is a visual
Cinnamon - Yellow-Sided (sex-linked)
- American Dilute.

visual Pineapple females
(can be split to American Dilute)

visual Normal females
(can be split to American Dilute or
can be 100% Normal)


visual Cinnamon females
(can be split to American Dilute
or 100% Cinnamon)

visual Yellow-Sided females
(can be split to American Dilute
or 100% Yellow-Sided)

American Dilutes of either gender, males (only) are split to Pineapple

descriptions of the mutation colorations of Green-Cheeked Conures
Please note: MUTATION colors cannot be created by breeding. These are spontaneous mutations that occur naturally .
Therefore, since Turquoise , Cinnamon, Yellow-Sided, and American Dilute Green-Cheeked Conurecolorations are mutation colors
and cannot be created through breeding. Other colorations, such as the Sun-Cheeked, were created through breeding existing mutation colors together.

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Normal- The wild-type Green-Cheeked Conure is a richly colored green bird,
with a dark head, dark beak, dark feet, and a maroon tail.

Turquoise- Named correctly! This bird is a dark blue mixed with green and is the largest of the Green-Cheeked mutation colorations.
Like the Pearly cockatiel it seems to be larger than the other colors. (recessive )

Yellow-Sided- From behind, you cannot tell it from a Normal wild-type as it has the same dark green back color. It can vary in tail coloration from maroon to
light red. On the side of the chest it has a beautiful yellow band and has a dark beak and dark feet. With more generations, this coloration is getting lighter beaks
and white down as chicks. It has dark eyes. (sex-linked)

Cinnamon- This variant is a light evenly washed color with a light-colored beak, head, and feet. It has ruby red eyes and tends to fade with exposure to sunlight.

Pineapple- This is a visual mixture of a Yellow-Sided - Cinnamon. It has the light colored head of the Cinnamon and the striking yellow sides of the Yellow-Sided.
Its coloration tends to fade with exposure to sunlight. It has ruby red eyes.

American Dilute- This a light cream-colored bird that is different from the Cinnamon as it has a dark bluish beak and dark feet. It has dark eyes and has
white down as a chick. (recessive)

Mint- This is a visual Turquoise - American Dilute. It is a new very pastel color with a silver head and a platinum tail. It has dark eyes, feet, and beak.
(two visual recessives)

Yellow-Sided - American Dilute
- It looks very similar to a Jenday Conure! It has a dark beak and feet with rich red and yellow colors from the Yellow-Sided
and a light cream color from the
American Dilute. ( recessive and sex -linked)

Cinnamon-American Dilute- This is a very light cream bird with white feet and white beak and a cream colored, almost white, head and breast with nice
red on the chest that the
Cinnamon lacks. (sex -linked and recessive)

Sun Cheek- This is a rich "Budgie yellow" on chest, thighs, and back with rich red on lower chest infusing the upper neck. It is a lighter yellow on the wings
and has ruby-colored eyes, white feet and beak, and a light colored head. It is a
Yellow-Sided - Cinnamon - American Dilute. (sex-linked and recessive)

Moon Cheek- This is a light blue bird with almost a white chest. It has no red pigment and has a white beak and white feet. It is a visual Turquoise - American Dilute - Yellow-Sided - Cinnamon. This is a Sun Cheek plus the Turquoise mutation. (sex linked and recessive)
Moon Cheeks are now available!
Sun-Cheek Conure photos page

American Dilute photos page

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All photographs are by Steve Garvin (unless otherwise noted) and are protected by copyright. They may not be reproduced by any method without written permission from The Feather Tree.


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