Green Cheeks make wonderful PETS!
Why a Green-Cheek Conure?
8 reasons to own one!
1. They are not loud compared to other parrots and conures. They
are in the Pyrrhura genus and make about one half the noise of
a Sun or Jenday Conure which makes them ideal for condos or apartments.
2. They are small birds with big bird personalities! They play
just like a large parrot or macaw - they will use their feet
to hold things, roll on their back to play or sleep. They love
to wrestle with and then be scratched by their favorite human.
3. They are easy to feed and not as destructive as a large parrot.
4. They are easy to house with their ideal size they can use
most cockatiel cages and they do not need the heavy bars of a
more expensive cage.
5. Green-Cheeks have oil glands they use to preen their feathers
and do not create the dust found
on cockatiels, cockatoos, and African Grey Parrots.
6. Besides their personality and ideal size, Green-Cheeks
can be found in many beautiful colors.
7. People with pets, especially seniors, have lower blood pressure,
are happier, and live longer lives.
8. Tame Green-Cheeked Conures are very interactive with people.
They are bold and very personable but with individual personalities.

SHIPPING - YES! We do ship by air cargo to most places
in the USA. It is illegal to send a parrot by the U.S.Postal
Service. Shipping generally
costs $165.00 to most locations via Delta Airlines. The shipping cost is set by the airlines; we do this
as a service for you and make no profit from it. We will provide
you with a carrier. |